May 13, 2020
1 minute
FFmpeg: Make a CRT SCAN Lines Filter
Over on Reddit someone was having a little issue with this complex FFmpeg filter which I found very cool. I love this filter so I thought it should be documented somewhere. I offered some help fixing the issue and have this filter in my FFmpeg arsenal.
# you will need these files:
# ->
ffmpeg -loglevel debug -y -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=1216x896 -filter_complex "movie='bg_croped.png',format=rgba,setsar=1:1[bgc];movie='scanline_pattern_croped.png'[spc];movie='main.png',format=rgba,scale=iw:ih*4:flags=neighbor,scale=iw*4:ih:flags=bilinear[input];[bgc][input]overlay[tmp];[tmp][spc]blend=all_mode=softlight:all_opacity=0.15[tmp2];[0][tmp2]overlay[o]" -map "[o]" -frames:v 1 output.png
I was able to isolate the issue using a set of scripts I developed in 2014 called FFExtra. I found out that there was some issue with the input files, which prevented the filter from composing properly.
To run the FFmpeg command you will need the scanline_pattern_croped.png file.
Here are some of my test commands:
ffmpeg -loglevel debug -y -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=1216x896 -filter_complex "movie='scanline_pattern_croped.png'[spc];movie='main.png',format=rgba,scale=iw:ih*4:flags=neighbor,scale=iw*4:ih:flags=bilinear[in0];[in0][spc]blend=all_mode=softlight:all_opacity=0.15[frame];[0][frame]overlay[o]" -map "[o]" -frames:v 1 output.png
ffmpeg -loglevel debug -y -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=618x360 -filter_complex "movie='scanline_pattern_croped_360p.png',scale=618:360[spc];movie='input.mp4',format=rgba[in0];[in0][spc]blend=all_mode=softlight:all_opacity=0.20[frame];[0][frame]overlay[o]" -map "[o]" output.mp4
Brings some memories ah?
Blessing, Elad 🌻
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